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Campion Trail in Irving Nears Final Completion, Set to Enhance Regional Trail System by 2025

Excitement is building in Irving as the Campion Trail, a significant component of the DFW Discovery Trail, enters its final phases of completion. Spanning across five cities in North Texas, namely Fort Worth, Arlington, Grand Prairie, Dallas, and Irving, the DFW Discovery Trail is a regional trail system covering an impressive 66-mile stretch. With the completion of the Campion Trail in 2025, outdoor enthusiasts and residents alike can look forward to an enhanced recreational experience within the area.

The journey towards completing the Campion Trail began in 1996 when construction first commenced in Irving. Over the years, dedicated efforts have resulted in the installation of 15.5 miles of the trail, creating a significant portion of the overall trail system. Now, the final three phases of the project are on track for completion, bringing the Campion Trail closer to its grand finale.

The upcoming stages of the project consist of Phase 1A, Phase 1B, and Phase 2, each with distinct features and enhancements. Phase 1A encompasses approximately 0.9 miles of trail, incorporating one bridge and boardwalk, as well as three low-water crossings. The estimated budget for Phase 1A is set at $1.5 million. Moving forward, Phase 1B will run alongside the Frazier Dam, connecting Irving and Dallas, covering a distance of 1.6 miles. This phase will include two bridges, three low-water crossings, and an additional boardwalk. The anticipated budget for Phase 1B is approximately $2.75 million. Lastly, Phase 2 will consist of 2.8 miles of trail, three bridges, and four boardwalks, with an allocated budget of around $6.5 million.

Construction is scheduled to commence this month for Phase 1A, signaling the start of the final stages of the Campion Trail project. Phases 1B and 2 are projected to begin in 2024, further propelling the project toward its completion. As each phase progresses, residents and visitors can anticipate an expansion of recreational opportunities, fostering a stronger sense of community engagement and promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

The Campion Trail has long been recognized as an essential component of the DFW Discovery Trail, attracting nature enthusiasts, joggers, cyclists, and families seeking outdoor activities. Once the final stages are completed, the Campion Trail will seamlessly connect with the larger regional trail system, providing access to a diverse range of landscapes and urban environments across North Texas.

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